
The One Trick to Help You Destress over the Holidays

It’s the holiday homestretch, and besides all that’s wonderful and amazing…you’ve discovered a bit of a problem.

There. Is. Still. So. Much. To. Do. And your stress level is skyrocketing.

How to deal?

The trick is to treat your downtime like any other activity: Schedule it. Let’s face it, you’re already multi-tasking, so here are three ways to incorporate some much needed “me time.”

1. RSVPing to that holiday party this weekend? Before you sign off, book that new a.m. yoga class you’ve been eyeing. It’ll take 30 seconds and the payoff will last days.

2. Instead of late-night couch surfing (read: online shopping) for last-minute gifts, grab your tablet and head to the corner coffee shop. A cup of tea will soothe the senses while you add to bag.

3. Visiting relatives out of city bounds? Plan to take the long way. Stop for a selfie here and there among the natural surroundings. The fresh air works wonders.

Try it. Put yourself at the top of your “to-do list” and see how much more enjoyable the holiday season can be.

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